
Solid Gold2 mins read

I recommend listening to ‘You Say’ by Lauren Daigle as you read this.

Have you ever been in a place where you doubted yourself? Doubted your abilities, your work and almost everything else about you?

I’ve been here a couple of times over the years. It’s possibly one of the reasons why I stalled sharing my writing for so long.

The first time I stumbled on ‘You Say’, it resonated with me on so many levels. It felt like someone singing about my life. And as I listened to it, I realized how far I’ve come over the years.

In this fast paced world, with access to so much more information than is healthy for our well-being, it’s so easy to get lost, to compare and feel ‘not enough’.

It’s easy to forget that we all have our wins and failures but mostly only the wins make it to the public eye. When things don’t go our way, it’s easy to forget all the times we have won in the past and begin to berate ourselves and question our abilities.

We need a constant reminder that we are enough, more than enough. Yes, there is always room for improvement but that doesn’t mean we are anything less than awesome right now.

It took me a while to understand this and even after understanding it, it still took some more time before I truly allowed myself live life with this consciousness.

Each time the song comes up, I feel nostalgic because I remember how it feels to be in that state, feeling like I don’t measure up. It also makes me smile because I know I’ve come a long way from where I once was.

This year especially has been splendid in the area of self-growth for me. I really can’t place a finger on the main reason for this but I’m sure it has a lot to do with me judging myself less and caring less about other people’s judgments of me.

I still fall back into a state of feeling inadequate once in a while and I get in a rut. We all fall sometimes but what is important is that we don’t stay down.

It also helps that I tend to believe more in myself.

Believing that I am enough and I measure up.

Believing that I am loved and I belong.

Believing that I am strong and I am held.

Believing that I am SOLID GOLD.

Sisikunmi Solid gold

In case you needed one, this is your gentle reminder that you’re more than enough, you measure up, you’re loved, you’re strong.




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